Electrical Conf. + Strea.
Electrical Conf. + Strea.
In the mix, there is the show.
Electric confetti and streamer cannons create a double effect in one shot. Choose from an infinity of options, sizes, colors and materials to configure your "kabuki". Our electric confetti and streamer launchers meet all safety requirements and require an electric trigger for operation.
Ver másElectric confetti cannons + streamers
These are launchers that come filled with a combination of confetti and streamers. They can be of the same material or a combination of them, managing to choose between tissue paper and metallic paper. They come in three different sizes that achieve different launch distances.
• Electric confetti cannons + 30 cm streamers : These are launchers that are designed for small spaces, they can launch the streamer with the confetti at a distance of between 5 meters to 6 meters.
• Electric confetti cannons + 50 cm streamers : This is a cannon that can launch the streamer plus the confetti at a distance of 7 meters to 8 meters, it is used in medium to large places or outdoors.
• Electric confetti cannons + 80 cm streamers : These are used in larger spaces or in Massive events can reach distances of between 9 meters to 10 meters.
Use of Electric Confetti Cannons + streamers
These are very versatile launchers that achieve a very interesting combination of effects, because in them there is not only a combination of shapes but also materials and colors. Interesting effects can be achieved, confetti and streamer fall differently.
They can be found with both made of tissue paper, with which they can fall slowly, as if they were suspended in the air, or with both in metallic material that will be a real whirlwind of glitter and colors. Additionally, there are some with mixtures of tissue paper with metallic, to increase the effect of the colors.
Tips for buying Electric Confetti Cannons + streamers
These are great elements to add a special touch to any celebration, event or party. But they must be acquired thinking about the space in which they will be used. First of all, you must find the right size for the dimensions of the place where the mixture of confetti with streamers will be launched.
Then you must have a good idea of the effect you want to achieve, this will be related to the choice of color and the materials for making the confetti or streamer, those of tissue paper will fall more slowly and those of metallic material will fall faster, but with great shine.
You should also take into consideration that these cannons require accessories for their proper functioning, such as an electric button or a base to place it. If you are going to synchronize them, you will have to determine how many guns you need and how they will look working in the space you have.
The best advice is to be well informed about what you can find on online sites, and what effect they produce, as well as whether you want to buy or rent them, the latter is practical if you use them in a single event.